Thursday, August 8, 2013

Seven Months

Dear Tabitha,
You are seven months old today! You've had another busy busy month of growing and adjusting to life! You started the month off with another reminder that you are Loved. Not just by your Mommy and Daddy but by your heavenly Father! We had a little accident involving your carseat that ended with you on the pavement of a parkinglot and substantial bump on the head. I lost several years of my life worrying over you the next 48 hours or so, but other than some initial crying and the awfulness of being poked and prodded at the hospital you came out no worse for wear! ( but you've now visited the Picu and the Pedicu...busy girl)  How blessed and happy we were! And how much I was reminded that you are indeed our miracle baby!

In other much less dramatic news, thankfully, you went on another plane trip this month to a Calhoun Family Reunion. No one would even have GUESSED that you've suffered from such crazy stranger danger the last few months because you smiled and flirted with complete strangers at the airports and on the planes and continued to charm the pants off of everyone at the family reunion too! Its funny that now you seem to definitely have a preference for men and the rougher the better. There was a big dude with a huge beard sitting behind us on an airplane and as soon as he caught your eye you started grinning and cooing. You're too funny!

We had such a great time at our family reunion and you got to meet so many people that have prayed for you over the last year! Its hard for us to believe that at our last family reunion you and your sister were still hanging out in my tummy all teeny tiny! As easy as you were to carry around in my tummy you're almost as easy outside. You were SO good traveling-sleeping whereever you needed to and not putting up a fuss when you couldnt sleep at all or when your meals were a little off schedule. You continue to blow my mind with how wonderfully laid back you can be.

We ended your month with a visit to Nacogdoches for Ransom's birthday, you showed your angel colors yet again by being SO good on the train ride birthday party. It was super HOT and you completely missed a nap and yet you just chilled in peoples laps and looked around at all the people. THANK YOU for making our lives such a joy!

This month you continued to perfect your sitting skills, I'd say you've mastered the art, and the way you've started lunging for anything in sight I bet you aren't happy being stationary for too much longer. You're still working hard on your first tooth ( or teeth?!) but not one has pushed through yet! However, this month we did start you on some solid foods! I've gone so much slower than with Ransom, but you've enjoyed everything that's been put in front of you. In fact, if we don't get it into your mouth fast enough you start lunging at the spoon with your mouth open like a little baby bird. While we've let you play with some cheerios and mum-mums you're not a fan of the "actual" solid foods...maybe its going to take some teeth before you figure out the actual "chewing" concept!

At the end of this month you've started taking "cat naps" instead of actual normal length naps so it looks like you'll be dropping a nap in the coming weeks. It will be interesting to see how our days change now that you'll only have two naps...Whatever happens we are so grateful for your little life and the joy that it brings all that you've impacted. If there is one thing I have learned in your seven months of life it is that Life is a Gift and I am thankful every single day that I get to spend living it with you!

We love you baby Bee,