Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Five Months

Dear Tabitha,

You are five months old today!!
You had a busy month of growing and learning. For starters this month you had your four month wellness check up. This was rough for you because it required another person outside our immediate family to make extended eye contact with you. This made you beyond sad. You were definitely Miss Sensitivity this month! But I enjoyed some extended snuggle times with you after your appointment, and I must admit that I love it when your Daddy watches your brother so I can hold you while you sleep. Snuggles with you are a gift from God.

Your stranger danger got pretty extreme this month, you literally cried when people looked at you on FaceTime, or when I tried having you facing outwards in the carrier at the grocery store. ( all things I tired to get you use to other people!) you even cried at other moms holding their own babies... Lucky for us our Aunt Donnave came to visit us this month and she did a great job of helping you work through your hesitations and by the end you had learned to smile and be happy around another person! This is good because you have such a sweet smile! We hate not getting to share it with others! Remember that you are a miracle to a LOT of people, my dear!

This month you continued to develop your voice and are really good at babbling and often let out little squeaks and high pitched screams ( very girlie of you). Your eye hand coordination continues to develop and you can now grab toys and shake them around, or more than likely, stuff them in your mouth.

You continue to be a really easy baby to have in our family, even if we're out and about and you miss a nap time, you're so laid back about it. Even though you are now way too alert and looking around to fall asleep outside your bed most of the time, you're very contented to sit quietly and look around, even when you're tired.

Tabitha you are such a sweet heart and you bring such joy to our lives, we look forward to all that you will continue to learn and do, and we look forward to when you will understand all the many gifts The Lord has given us in you!

Love you,